Surgery MCQ 152

A 35-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with severe right lower quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Her pain began acutely and has been steadily progressing over the past 12 hours. On physical examination, she has significant tenderness and guarding in the right lower quadrant. The surgical team is suspecting acute appendicitis and is … Read more

Surgery MCQ 151

A 7-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents due to complaints of abdominal pain and bloody stools. The pain is intermittent and located around the umbilical area. His past medical history is unremarkable. On physical examination, the abdomen is soft with mild tenderness near the umbilicus. An abdominal ultrasound is performed, … Read more

Surgery MCQ 150

A 25-year-old male presents to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain, blood and mucus in his stool, and a palpable mass in the abdomen. The patient has no significant past medical history but reports that the pain started suddenly and has been worsening. Question: The most likely diagnosis in this young male presenting with … Read more

Surgery MCQ 149

A 60-year-old male patient with severe malnutrition is initiated on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) in the hospital. The medical team monitors him closely for potential complications associated with TPN. Complications associated with TPN include: A. GallstonesB. HyperglycemiaC. HyperkalemiaD. All of them The Correct Answer is: D. All of them NEXT Explanation: Gallstones: Gallstones can develop … Read more

Surgery MCQ 148

A 35-year-old patient presents for a routine check-up and expresses concerns about maintaining adequate vitamin K levels. The patient is interested in understanding the different sources of vitamin K to ensure a balanced diet. Question: The most common source of vitamin K is: A. Intestinal bacteriaB. Meat productsC. Dairy productsD. Vegetables The Correct Answer is: … Read more

Surgery MCQ 147

A 28-year-old patient is being evaluated for electrolyte imbalances. The gastroenterologist explains the mechanisms of sodium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and mentions that sodium absorption is crucial for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. Question: Sodium absorption normally occurs in the: A. Ileum and colonB. DuodenumC. Proximal jejunumD. Stomach The Correct Answer is: A. Ileum … Read more

Surgery MCQ 146

A 52-year-old male patient underwent a haemorrhoidectomy for severe hemorrhoids. On the first postoperative day, he reports difficulty in urinating and increasing lower abdominal discomfort. On examination, his bladder is distended. The most common early complication following haemorrhoidectomy in males is: A. Urinary retentionB. Fecal incontinenceC. Anal strictureD. None The Correct Answer is: A. Urinary … Read more

Surgery MCQ 145

A 45-year-old male patient presents with intermittent rectal bleeding and discomfort during bowel movements for the past several months. On physical examination, he is found to have grade-2 hemorrhoids, which prolapse during defecation but spontaneously reduce.  The treatment of choice for grade-2 hemorrhoids is: A. Band ligationB. Open haemorrhoidectomyC. Electro-coagulationD. Stool softener The Correct Answer … Read more

Surgery MCQ 144

A 26-year-old female patient presents to the clinic with a painful perianal swelling that has been present for the last three days. On examination under anesthesia, she is found to have a low fistula in ano. The treatment of choice for this patient is: A. Incision and drainageB. Incision, drainage, and fistulotomyC. Incision, drainage, and … Read more

Surgery MCQ 143

A 45-year-old man with a 15-year history of Crohn’s disease presents to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. He reports that the pain started suddenly and has been worsening over the past 24 hours. On examination, he has significant abdominal distension and tenderness, particularly in the mid-abdomen. Bowel sounds are high-pitched … Read more